Kết quả tìm kiếm 
This is expected by seafood processing companies in SócTrăng when talking about the picture of shrimp market until the end of 2019. However, it is not the duty exemption imposed by the US that is affecting the upward trend, but mainly an ongoing need and
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After continuous declines in the first months of the year, shrimp exports began to recover in July with an increase of 13.4 per cent and reached $334 million...
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Lắng đọng phù sa, chất lơ lửng, xác tảo làm trong sạch nước
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In aquaculture in general and shrimp farming in particular, algae is an important link in the natural food chain and serves as an extremely important biological filtration system to balance different environmental factors in pond...
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Gây màu nước hiệu quả Tạo nguồn thức ăn tự nhiên
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Cũng tại Hội chợ, gian hàng của SANDO vinh dự được Thứ trưởng Bộ NN&PTNT Vũ Văn Tám, Chủ tịch Hội Thủy sản Bạc Liêu Tạ Minh Phú tham quan. Thứ trưởng Vũ Văn Tám đánh giá cao những sản phẩm của Công ty, có giá trị và đóng..
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The disease has so far been confirmed in Asia where it has affected farms China, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam. The disease has also been suspected in Mexico. The disease appears during the first seven to 30 days after planting...
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The application of biotechnology in commercial shrimp farming is now considered an essential supportive solution to a stable and sustainable shrimp farming industry.
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The pathogen can also be detected by light microscopy using a 100 times objective with stained HP tissue sections or HP smears, but this is based on finding the characteristic spores that are extremely small (less than one micron in length) and are someti
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Thông tin liên hệ


Trụ sở: 64 Đường số 9, P. Linh Trung, TP.Thủ Đức, TP.HCM

Văn phòng: 61A Đường số 8, KP3, P.Linh Trung, TP.Thủ Đức, TP.HCM

Nhà máy 1: Tổ 6, KP.4, P. Vĩnh Tân, TX. Tân Uyên, Bình Dương

Nhà máy 2: Lô LF22, Đường số 2, KCN Xuyên Á, Mỹ Hạnh Bắc, Đức Hòa, Long An


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